miércoles, 15 de julio de 2015

Modern Economics

Here's a little riddle for the Freemasons. You'll need to learn some Geometry before you can solve this one:

You are two little men, and one of you is sucking the other's cock while he fucks you up the arse. Where is your head?

Now for the 33 degree Freemasons, here's the really hard version for which you will need to learn about both Geometry and Arithmetic (modulo n):

You are any pair (i and i+1, say) of n little men, and one of you is sucking the other's cock while he fucks you up the arse. Which of you has the most money?

Now for the 108 degree Freemasons, you will need to know Geometry, Arithmetic, Stereometry and also what a Galois Connection is.

You are one of n little men, arranged on the surface of the earth, and you are sucking one of the other's cock while you fuck another up the arse. Is the total amount of Global Wealth increasing or is it decreasing?

2 comentarios:

  1. In case anyone is wondering is why wrote this, this is the only way I can demonstrate that I'm not a Freemason. Of course it's not a proof, because any Freemason could just as easily have written that, if he knew what a Galois Connection was, at any rate., and if he had any sort of imagination at all. So perhaps it's unlikely that I'm a Freemason. What do you think?

  2. Funny how nobody has any response to make to this, isn't it? Defend your honour, gentlemen. Your egos depend upon it!
