domingo, 19 de julio de 2015

San Pedro and Penal Reform

Well, I was thinking, you know, that we should do some penal reform around here. I mean, we can't have vendenpatria sitting in their own houses, doing their usual jobs, at the expense of the State, and a joint and a line or two of coke every now again, can we?

So I had aqn idea. We make a NEW SAN PEDRO down around San José de Uchupiamonas, and we make it a proper prison. So one man, or pretty young lady, to a cell, which contains only a bed, and you each get an Amazon Kindle, and the Government decides what appears on it. At the cell is a Faraday cage, so it's radio quiet, and you get one visitor a week, for half an hour, and he or she must agree to wear a radio tag and to total surveillance of his or her communications, and must not leave the country, etc., etc. And you can talk to him or her for half an hour, through a speaker and microphone, with a guard standing half a meter behind of each of you, and the whole conversation will be recorded, and analysed in detail, which is why we can only let you have half an hour, sorry. And you will grow your own food and learn interestinmg crafts, so it won't be all that bad, will it, for you? I don't know how much your friends and family are going to be able to put up with though, do you?

Sorry, I'm just cheesed off that I have only four students who're too shit-scared to talk to me. So I think I'll go and watch BTV for a few hours, and I hope whilst I do that someone brings back my "medicine" bag of coca with the packet of cigarettes and the lighter, you can keep the notes, I've got that stuff, and I don't mind starving, but I get really fucking grumpy whjen I haven't got cigarettes or coca. And, well Bolivias TV is great, so I'll watch that for a few hours, smoke a few cigarettes, and calm down, and hopefully when I come back here I will have a shit-load of e-mail, and someone will have apologized to my family for treating them like total shit, and someone will go along to migracion and sort out my PT1 for next week, and then everyone will be happy, won't we! I know I will, I don't fancy having to spend months every year lecturing political prisoners in a re-education programme in the tropis, I  mean, it would be like Cambodia, wouldm't it? But still, San José is a nice place, and I have a lot of friends down there. And maybe someone will have sent all I've written in the past six years to the President, right fucking now, so that I see and hear something very, very stronglñy positive to the effect that h3e knows what is going on and has someone on the case.

That would be nice, because then we need never hear about any of this ridiculous farago again, and we can get on the process of saving the life of the Pachamama, which is important, because when she goes you people will noit kow you're insane, it'll be like a slughter-fest in a lunatic asylum, all over the world. That's not good.

Buck up your ideas, and never, ever fuck with me again, I hope you understand that.

Yours sincerely
Ian Alan Neil Grant
C.I. E0033311


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